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Does Owens provide network storage options?


Employees have access to multiple network storage options. For a complete list, including recommended guidelines and best practices please see: Network Storage Guidelines


Yes, students have two cloud storage options available to them, Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive.

Microsoft OneDrive

As part of the offering from our Microsoft Office 365 collaboration, OneDrive is available to students. OneDrive offers personal cloud storage of up to 1 TB. You can access OneDrive from any Internet connection, including on-campus, at home, or even from a smart phone. You will have access to this file storage feature from the Office 365 suite while you are an active student at Owens.

To log into your OneDrive:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your Owens username and password. 
  3. Click on the OneDrive icon.

Google Drive

Currently you also have the option to use Google Drive (unlimited) for cloud storage which is associated with your Omail+ account.

Note: Your Owens Google account is deleted after you have not taken classes for one year or two consecutive semesters. 

To access Google Drive:

  1. Log into your Ozone account. 
  2. Click Menu
    in the upper left corner, then select Discover.
    Click the Discover More button at the bottom of your dashboard.
  3. Search for email.
  4. The Quick Links card should display in the results.
  5. Click on Student Email.
  6. Click the Google Apps (small grid) icon in the upper right corner, next to Omail+.
  7. Select Drive.


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