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How Do I Use Owens Link Toledo/Findlay?

To Turn on TVs

  • Turn on the TVs at the front of the class using the TV Remote located at the instructor station.
  • To turn on the Monitors in the back of the room, press the on and off tab located at the bottom of the TV.

To Place a Call

  • Locate the LifeSize Remote located at the instructor station.
  • Select Call button.
  • Navigate to Conference room using the arrow keys.
  • Press OK
  • You will hear a ring tone and you will connect with the other site.

Select Source

  • Select Camera button (a camera icon will appear in either the near or far monitor. Toggle the camera button to select which source).

Input Select

  • You may select the image that you send by using the input control.
  • Select input and choose from three options:
    Camera 1, Camera 2 and PC.  These are the Student camera, The Instructor Station and the PC.
  • Use the arrow keys to select an input and click OK.

To End Session

  • Press the Hang Up Button to terminate the connection and turn off the TVs.

To reach the Toledo Owens  Link Classroom call X 7751 (567-661-7751).

For additional assistance contact the Owens Help Desk at X 7120 (567-661-7120)


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