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Can I use an outside caterer?

Yes!  AVI Food Services is no longer the exclusive caterer for internal events on campus. However, for external events, AVI does have first right of refusal.

If you decide to forgo the use of AVI for your catering needs, please keep in mind that all outside caterers need to be approved prior to serving food on campus.  If you would like to use a company that is not pre-approved, a waiver and paperwork is required. Please contact Specialist, Business Operations, at 567-661-7207 to complete the approval process.

If you are doing grab-and-go food such as pizza, a catering waiver is not required.  Only when a catering company is coming on campus to serve food for your event is this form and approval required.

Click here for a list of approved caterer's for the Toledo and Findlay campuses!

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