I am getting a pre/co-requisite & test score error when registering for a course, but I have already completed the pre/co-requisite. How can I fix this?
Please refer to the course description for specific pre/co-requisite information. If your official documents (transcripts, test scores, high school transcript, etc.) have already been received and evaluated, courses may not have transferred in as the direct equivalent of the required pre/co-requisite.
Click Menuin the upper left corner, then select Discover. Or Click Discover More button at the bottom of your dashboard.
Search for transcript.
The Student Information card should display in the results.
Under Transcript Information, click View Transcript. You may need to scroll down.
Leave the Transcript Level and Type as the defaults, click Submit.
If you would like to add this card to your dashboard, click the Add icon in the upper right corner of the card. Note: If the card has the Removeicon showing, it is already displaying on your dashboard.
If we have not yet received your official documents, please fill out the Visiting Student Request Form so your request to take a course without the pre/co-requisite on file can be reviewed.
In some cases, transfer credits may not satisfy pre/co-requisite requirements for courses you plan to take at Owens. If this is the case, you have the option to take the ACCUPLACER placement test to evaluate your skills for appropriate course placement in math, reading, and writing. Visit the Testing Services website for more information.
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