I have applied to Owens. What are my next steps to enrolling?
As a new student, you should submit your official high school and/or GED transcript to Owens along with all official college transcripts.
If you are a first-time freshman or a transfer student who is seeking a degree or certificate, then you need to complete Orientation. You can complete the online orientation in your Ozone account. Orientation is also offered at both the Toledo and Findlay campuses. To schedule an orientation call (567) 661-7777 or visit www.owens.edu/orientation.
You must also take the ACCUPLACER placement test unless you have ACT or SAT scores from within the last two years. For more information about the placement test, please contact Testing Services at 567-661-8378 or visit https://www.owens.edu/testing/placement.html.
Prior to registering for your first semester, you should meet with an academic advisor. To set up an appointment, please call the Student Service Center at 567.661.2387 or complete the following form at www.owens.edu/advising/appointment/.