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Is the Dental Hygiene Clinic open to the public?

Yes, the public is welcome and there is a nominal charge. The Dental Hygiene program operates the Clinic September through May. The 21-chair clinic, open to adults and children, is staffed by dental hygiene students supervised by licensed dental professionals. Owens Community College dental hygiene students participating in the clinic have had extensive education prior to their clinical experience. The Dental Hygiene Clinic provides an opportunity for members of our community to receive safe, quality dental services at a reasonable cost.

Generally, preventive treatment appointments are two to three hours in length and require several visits. For an appointment, call the Dental Hygiene Clinic Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. at (567) 661-7294. The clinic is open various mornings, afternoons and evenings for appointments.


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