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What are the deadlines for adding and/or dropping classes and obtaining a refund?

You can view deadlines for adding and/or dropping classes by visiting the Owens home page at  Click on Class Schedule, and using your course CRN (course registration number), look for your specific class.  You will be able to view add and drop deadlines as well as all refund deadlines for your specific course.  If you drop all classes for a semester, you will still owe a non-refundable registration fee and any other non-refundable fees, such as the Deferred Payment Plan, even if you drop classes before the 100% refund deadline. 

For a list to all the refund dates, please visit You will then scroll to the bottom and click on the semester.

Be aware if you received financial aid for a semester, and you plan to drop classes, you should contact Student Financial Service Advisor to ask about how a drop can impact your financial aid eligibility. Student Financial Services can be reached at (567) 661-2387 or at

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