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Will I be able to work while completing the Vascular Sonography certificate? Is the program offered in the evenings or weekends?

Students enrolled in the certificate have found that having a part-time job is manageable, but does require excellent time management skills. The student must consider that during the clinical course, students will be in clinic for an average of 32 hours per week. Clinical Education is usually conducted on four weekdays, from approximately 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., so it is important to take that into consideration when making a decision about working. There may be some flexibility depending on the clinical site and special situations may be approved as long as the student is meeting the requirements of the course. 

Courses are offered during the day and evening hours may be required in those courses that offer a laboratory component. There are no weekend course offerings. Sonography courses are sequenced to provide one annual offering of each course.


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