How do I install Microsoft Outlook app on Android devices for accessing Owens employee email?
Go to the Play Store.
Search for Microsoft Outlook.
Download/install the Microsoft Outlook app.
Once installed, open the app.
Tap on the Add Account.
Tap on the Skip.
Type in your Owens email address:
Press the Continue.
You will be taken to the Owens organizational account login. Type in your Owens email address and universal password.
Press the Sign In.
Tap the Activate Outlook requires it be activated as a Device Administrator.
Review the Outlook Device Policy.
Tap on Activate this device administrator if you agree with the terms. *Only activate if you read and agree to the policy rules. Otherwise select Uninstall app.
Add another account or press Maybe Later to complete the setup of this account.
At the Focused Inbox screen, view the 3 screens and then tap the checkmark on the last screen.
You should now see your Outlook email Inbox.
Tap on the logo in the upper-left corner of the screen (to the left of Inbox) to access your mobile device settings.
Tap on the settings icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.
You should see both your Owens Email and OneDrive for Business Scroll down to view all your app settings.
You can change your signature and notification settings here.
You can choose to turn off the “Focused Inbox” option here.
You can also choose to view your email conversations by thread or choose not to by selecting the Organize mail by thread switch.
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