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How do I report Spam or Phishing emails to Owens ITS, using the Outlook Web Client (OWA)?

If you received an email that you suspect to be Spam or Phishing, you can report it to Owens ITS department as well as Microsoft using the Report Message option in the Outlook Web Client.

Note: If you clicked on any attachments or links within the email, please contact the Owens IT Help Desk.

To report a message using the Outlook Web Client, OWA:

  1. Open the email.
  2. Click the More Actions button located in the upper right corner of the email message.

    More Actions Button

  3. Select Report Message.

    Select Report Message

  4. Select either Junk (for Spam) or Phishing.

    Report Message Menu

  5. A copy of the message will be sent to Owens ITS and Microsoft to help update spam filters. The message will be moved from your Inbox to your Junk Email folder.

To learn more, visit out our FAQs about Spam and Phishing emails.


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