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I am a IST instructor/student, how do I download Microsoft Visio and Project?

To access the Microsoft Azure Portal: 

  1. Log in with your Owens email address and password at
    *If you haven't logged in before, follow the prompts to verify you are a student and finish setting up the account. If you skip this, you will not see the full list of software available to Owens students.
  2. Under Access Student Benefits, click the Explore button.
  3. On the menu to the left, click Software. This will bring up the software available.

    At the bottom of the menu is the Support link.
  4. At the top of the Software page, you can do a Search for Visio and Project. 
  5. Select which version you would like to install from the results. 

If you are having trouble, please contact the Owens IT Help Desk.

Keywords: visio, project, visual studio, sql

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