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What are Some of the Telephone Security Features?

In an effort to be more proactive in regard to security of the Owens Community College phone system, we have implemented security features for your desk phone as follows:

  • Users are required to change their password every 120 days on their voicemail. The passwords must be at least 6 digits; no simple passwords will be accepted. (i.e. 111111, 123456, etc.).
  • Call forwarding of your desk phone to an outside (non-College) number is not be permitted unless you are part of an exception group. Exceptions will need supervisor approval and should be requested through the IT Service Desk
  • International calls are not permitted on campus phones unless you are part of an exception group. If you attempt to call an International number, you will receive a fast busy and your call will not go through. Exceptions will need supervisor approval and should be requested through the IT Service Desk


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