When can I expect my refund? Who should I contact if I have not yet received my refund?
Financial aid disbursements are applied to students’ accounts on most Wednesdays and refunds are processed on Fridays. To learn more about our procedures, please visit www.owens.edu/financial_aid/understanding.
Financial Aid refund information:
Students who meet all eligibility requirements, including attendance, and who have financial aid remaining after tuition, fees, and book voucher purchases are paid, will receive a refund. Students whose aid is not ready for the first disbursement will receive their refund at a later date. For details, click here.
Please note that once you see a notice on your account that says Refund as Selected there are additional steps that must take place before the funds are available. If you are expecting a refund, you should receive it in the manner you selected within 3-5 business days after a refund appears on your student account.
If you have questions about your financial aid refund amount or timing please contact the Student Service Center at (567) 661-2387, or email your Student Financial Services Advisor by using your Owens email account.
Third Party refund information:
If you have a Third Party, such as Veterans Benefits, TAA/WIA, or some other company paying for part or all of your tuition bill, you will experience an estimated 7 business day delay in the processing of your refund. If you have questions about either the amount or the timing of this type of refund, please email thirdparty@owens.edu using your Owens email account as Student Financial Services is not able to provide specific details for Third Party billing.
Part of Term Z Class Drop/Withdrawal:
If you have had to contact Student Financial Services for help dropping a Part of Term Z (flex term) class during the semester, any refund will be delayed by one week.