- Does Owens Community College offer ROTC?
- Do I have to take the ACT or SAT test for admissions?
- Do I need to attend a orientation as part of the admission process?
- How do I sign up for Orientation?
- How do I Web Register through Ozone if I don't know the CRN for the class I need?
- How long does the admission process take?
- How many credits do I need to be considered a part-time or full-time student?
- How will I know when I've been accepted?
- I am a new college student and applicant, when should I meet with an advisor to get guidance on what classes to take?
- I had my test scores sent to the college; why don't you have them?
- I have applied and been admitted, what is my next step?
- Is there a fee for applying to the college?
- I submitted my application, now I want to change my program of study/major. How do I do this?
- What can I major in at Owens? What degree programs are offered?
- What continuing education programs are offered?
- What is a credit hour?
- What programs are offered at the different locations: Toledo-area campus and Findlay-area campus?
- When do classes begin?
- Where do I apply online?
- Where do I send required documents or prior academic transcripts?
- Why do I need to take a placement test as part of the admission process?
Campus and Community Connections
- I am looking for help with my career planning and job search. Where can I start?
- I am looking for help with my finances. Does Owens offer any support?
- I am looking for help with obtaining childcare and parenting support. Does Owens offer any assistance?
- I am looking for help with obtaining food and clothing. Does Owens offer any support?
- I am looking for help with obtaining housing and utilities support. Does Owens offer any resources?
- What resources does Owens offer for personal and public safety?
- Where can I find help if I am in need of academic assistance?
- Where can I find information on campus student activities?
Campus Events & Facility Rentals
- Who do outside groups contact to rent a room at Owens Community College?
- Who should Owens faculty or staff contact to reserve a room on the Toledo Campus for an internal Owens event or meeting?
- Who should Owens faculty or staff contact to reserve a conference room on the Toledo-area or Findlay-area Campus?
- Can the computer labs be reserved for events?
- How do I know if my room request has been completed?
- How do I cater an event on campus?
- How do I request AV Services?
- Do hallways, atriums and outside courtyards need to be reserved?
- How far in advance can I reserve a room for my event?
- How do I order external or internal signs for my event?
- As an employee can I use a room for a personal event?
- What basic information is helpful when planning or preparing for an event?
- Can I use a room without reserving it if it appears open?
College Credit Plus
- What is the College Credit Plus (CCP) Program?
- I am interested in the CCP program. How do I begin the process?
- How can I apply for the CCP program?
- What are the State's admission requirements for the Owens CCP program?
- Can CCP students at Owens register for classes on their own online?
- How do I make an appointment with a CCP advisor?
- Does Owens offer an orientation program for new CCP students?
- Do I have to pay for my college textbooks?
- What are the characteristics needed to be a successful CCP student?
- What are the differences between high school and college?
- Where are the courses held?
- Is there a difference between the courses held on the Owens Campus and Owens courses taught at the high school?
- Are the courses taken at Owens transferable?
- What courses should I take?
- If a course is not in the Ohio Transfer Module, does that mean it will not transfer?
- Can I take remedial or developmental courses under Option B?
- I am a home-schooled student. Can I participate in the CCP program?
- What is the relationship between the high school Carnegie unit (credit) and a college credit hour?
- What are the limitations on the number of college courses that can be paid for at Owens under the CCP program?
- Can I take evening classes?
- Can I take summer classes under the CCP program?
- Will Owens send final grades from courses taken to the high schools at the end of each term for Option B students?
- Will the courses taken at Owens be included in my high school grade point average or GPA?
- What happens if I fail a class?
- Does Owens have a college-wide attendance policy?
- What resources are available to me if I am having difficulty with a class?
- What are the consequences of withdrawing from a college course?
- What are the consequences of failing a college course?
- If I fail a class at the college, who pays for the class?
- Can I repeat a failed class under this program?
- May a high school student participate in any college activity?
- If I take some or all of my courses at Owens, am I eligible to participate in high school extracurricular activities?
- Where can I find more information about Owens?
- Will the college send progress and attendance reports to the high school on a periodic basis for Option B students?
Early Alert
- What is an early alert?
- Who should submit early alerts?
- When should I submit an early alert?
- How do I submit an Early Alert?
- What if there is an issue I want to submit that is not on the list of choices?
- Can an early alert be submitted only if a student is doing poorly or struggling in a class?
- How will I know that my early alert was successfully submitted?
- Will students be notified of early alerts?
- Can I retract or revise an early alert after it has been submitted?
- Can I modify the wording of the automated email notification that students receive?
- What kind of follow-up occurs with students who have had an early alert submitted?
- What if I want to submit a second early alert on the same student during the same term?
- Does early alert replace financial aid or athletic attendance reporting?
- Should I use early alert to report behavioral or academic misconduct?
- If I request an advising intervention via early alert, how does advising handle that?
- Who can I contact for further information about the early alert system?
Information Technology Services
- Academic Computing
- Access Store
- Active Directory
- Apple Product Support
- Audio Visual Services
- Banner 9
- Cisco Jabber
- Employee Remote Access
- Information Security
- IT Status Page
- Kiosk Computers
- Log In Help
- Microsoft Office 365
- Microsoft Teams
- Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
- Network Storage
- Omail+ (Student Email)
- Outlook - Employee Email
- Owens IT Help Desk
- Ozone
- Power Management (Desktop)
- Printing
- Service Desk
- Telephones
- Third-Party Technical Support
- Video Conference Room
- Web Browsers
- Windows
Owens Alert System
- What is the Owens Alert System?
- Can I be notified of college closings due to inclement weather if I am not an Owens student?
- How can I start having Owens contact me for emergencies and class cancellations?
- How can I modify or stop having Owens contact me for campus closings, emergencies and class cancellations?
- I am not an Owens student or employee. How do I stop receiving Owens Alert messages?
- When will I be asked to enroll into the Owens Alert System?
Prior Learning Assessment
- What is prior learning assessment?
- Can I test out of any courses?
- Does PLA cost anything?
- How do I get credit for any certificates that I have?
- How do I get credit for my military experience?
- How do I get credit for my work or volunteering experience?
- What do I need to put in a PLA portfolio?
- What types of prior learning assessment does Owens have?
- Where can I send copies of my certificates for prior learning assessment?
- Where do I submit a PLA portfolio to earn course credit?
- Who do I contact to discuss earning credit for prior learning?
School of Nursing and Health Professions (SNHP)
- Cardiac Sonography
- Computed Tomography (CT) Certificate
- Dental Hygiene Program
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- General Sonography Certificate
- Health Information Technology (HIT)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Program (MRI)
- Mammography Certificate
- Occupational Therapy Assistant Program (OTA)
- Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA)
- Radiologic Technology (Radiology)
- Sterile Processing Certificate
- Surgical Technology & Pre-Surgical Concentration
- Vascular Sonography Certificate
- Vascular Sonography Program
- SHAC Fitness Center
Start Here Scholarship
- What is the Start Here Scholarship?
- Who qualifies for the Start Here Scholarship?
- How do I apply for the Start Here Scholarship?
- Do I need to re-apply to the college if I have the Start Here Scholarship?
- When do I have to complete the nine credit hours for the Start Here Scholarship?
- I took CCP courses at another college. Do they count towards the required credits for the Start Here Scholarship?
- Can I use my articulated or CTAG credit with the Start Here Scholarship?
- How many credit hours must I take each semester for the Start Here Scholarship?
- Is there a registration deadline for the Start Here Scholarship?
- Do I have to enroll in summer courses for the Start Here Scholarship?
- Will I have priority registration if I have the Start Here Scholarship?
- Does the Start Here Scholarship pay for developmental education credit hours?
- How much money will I receive for the Start Here Scholarship?
- How is the money awarded and disbursed to my account for the Start Here Scholarship?
- Will I still have a bill if I have the Start Here Scholarship?
- Do my credits earned at Owens transfer to local colleges?
- What do I need to do to remain eligible for the Start Here Scholarship?
- What happens if I lose eligibility for the Start Here Scholarship?
- How long can I receive the Start Here Scholarship?
- Do I need to complete a FAFSA® for the Start Here Scholarship?
Student Conduct
- How will I be notified if a report has been filed against me?
- What do I need to do to prepare for a conduct meeting?
- What if I am contacted to set up a meeting with the conduct office and I do not schedule the meeting?
- If I am being charged in court, why do I also have to deal with Owens Community College? Isn't this double jeopardy?
- Do I need an attorney?
- What if I fail to show up for my scheduled hearing?
- What if I was not aware of a rule and didn't know I was breaking it?
- If I am found responsible for a violation, what will happen to me?
- What if I do not complete an assigned sanction?
Student Financial Services
- Payments
- Third Party Payments
- Can I get information about an account other than my own? How can I let others access my account information?
- Did you get my High School or College Transcript?
- How can I change my residency status, so I can be charged in state tuition rates?
- How can I qualify for in-state tuition rates while living in the State of Indiana?
- How do I apply for financial aid? What is the Owens school code to use on the FAFSA®?
- How do I apply for graduation? When should I apply for graduation? How will I know if I am approved for graduation?
- How do I get in touch with my Student Financial Services Advisor?
- How do I get started at Owens Community College?
- How do I know if I am considered an independent student for financial aid purposes?
- How do I pay a balance from a past semester?
- How does the college request corrected Social Security Numbers or name changes?
- How much does Owens cost per credit hour?
- How much is my bill? When is it due? How can I pay?
- I am a Veteran (or dependent of a Veteran). What offices should I contact for support on campus?
- I have a hold on my account, what should I do?
- I was contacted by Higher Education Solutions (EdFinancial). Who are they?
- I work at Owens Community College and I would like to take classes using the Tuition Waiver. What do I do?
- What are the deadlines for dropping classes and obtaining a refund?
- What can I do if I lost my job or have other special circumstances that make the information on the FAFSA® not reflective of my current financial situation?
- What do I do if I am dropped from my classes for non-payment?
- What does it mean to be selected for verification for financial aid?
- What is a financial aid book voucher, how do I check if I have one, and how do I use it?
- What is a W-9S form?
- What is BankMobile, and why is it important?
- What is full time enrollment?
- What is Workday? What can I do using Workday, and why is it so important to check often?
- What is Satisfactory Academic Progress?
- What is Student Financial Services? How can I get in touch with Student Financial Services?
- What is the Deferred Payment Plan, and how can I set it up?
- What is the Financial Aid Freeze Date and why is it important?
- What is the Owens Tuition Guarantee?
- What is the purpose of the 1098-T and how do I use it when filing my taxes?
- What is the Selective Service requirement?
- What should I do with my loan deferment form?
- When can I expect my refund? Who should I contact if I have not yet received my refund?
- Where should I go to have my Unemployment Verification form completed, confirming I have been attending all scheduled classes and that I am making satisfactory progress?
- Who gets a 1098-T?
- Why does the College ask for my Social Security Number?
Testing Services
- Testing Center Hours
- What is the ACCUPLACER test?
- Should I study for the ACCUPLACER test and complete an online review?
- What if English is not my primary language?
- Is it possible to receive accommodations on the placement test if I have a diagnosed disability?
- Can I use a calculator on the math portion of the ACCUPLACER test?
- Can I take the placement test again if I am unhappy with my results?
- What if I have not earned my high school diploma or GED?
- What do I need to know about test day for the ACCUPLACER test?
- What is a proficiency exam?
- Who can take a proficiency exam?
- How much does a proficiency test cost?
- When can I take the proficiency exam?
- Where do I take the proficiency exam?
- When will I receive my results from my proficiency exam?
- What should I bring on the day of the proficiency test?
- How do I apply and pay for a proficiency exam?
- Are Pearson Vue exams proctored by Testing Services?
- Are Meazure Learning (formerly Scantron) exams proctored by Testing Services?
- Are National Testing Network (NTN) exams proctored at the Toledo-area and Findlay-area Testing Centers?
- Are College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests offered at the Toledo-area and Findlay-are Testing Centers?
- How much does the CLEP test cost?
- What should I bring the day of my CLEP test?
- What is the ACCUPLACER English as a Second Language (ESL) test?
Unscheduled College Closings/Inclement Weather
- Am I required to work remote if the college closes?
- Do I still hold class if my class overlaps with a closure?
- Do I still need to report to campus if the college is closed?
- How can I make sure I am informed of Owens closings/cancellations?
- How do I know if I am an essential worker?
- What facts are considered when making the decision to close campuses?
- When the college is closed for the day, are events also cancelled?
- When is the decision made to close for weather-related conditions?
- Who makes the decision to close campus?
- Will I receive compensation when the college closes?
- Will the college’s operating procedures for campus closures be updated?
Visiting (Transient/Guest) Students
- After I complete my course at Owens, how do I have the information sent back to my home institution?
- Do I have to take both the lecture and lab if I have already completed one of them at my home institution?
- How do I find out what books and other materials I need for class?
- How do I register for courses?
- I am an International Student who has "International" and "To Enroll See Your Advisor" holds on my account and I cannot register. What can I do to fix this?
- What is a visiting student?
- Which options do I select when filling out the Owens application if I only plan to take a few courses to transfer back to my home institution?
- Will courses I take at Owens transfer to my home institution?
- I am a visiting student trying to register for a class, but it will not allow me to do so. How can I resolve this issue?